Friday, April 18, 2008 at 6:16AM
Rameez in dawoodi bohras, family, snapshots of bombay

As the first entry on this journal, I think I should provide some introduction to my current situation.

My grandmother (Dadi) and I came to Bombay, me for research on my dissertation and Dadi to see her brother, Mamajee Yousuf and the rest of her family.  I'll be in Bombay until July, and then will go to Calcutta for 2 months.  Dadi will be here through the end of May.

We are staying in an empty flat that is adjacent to Rashida Aunty and Shabbir Uncle's... literally right across the hall. The door in between stays open and its like its the same place.  Rashida Aunty is Mamajee Yousuf's eldest daughter.  Her daughter, Maimoona, is also there.  And although they are traveling at the moment, her son, daughter-in-law and their small daughter also live there.  And Mamajee Yousuf and Mami have also moved to the empty flat for the duration of my grandmother's visit, so they can be close to her.  Its a full and lively house!

This is the first time I've met most people in this household.  They're all very welcoming.  Rashida Aunty is really friendly, straightforward and easy to talk to, and I feel really comfortable with her.  Her daughter, Maimoona, is 18 and also extremely friendly and helpful.  And really hilarious.  She's very outgoing and has taken me under her wing, which I'm really happy about :)

My first day, she took me shopping and showed me around South Mumbai a bit.  She's also taken charge of getting me a sim card for my phone.

I think my first few days here, at least, will have a lot of bohra-related activity, so I'll take a second to explain that so future posts make sense.  The Dawoodi Bohras are a small sect of Shia Islam; Sayedna Mohammad Burhannudin (TUS) is the community's spiritual leader.  He is based in Bombay.  My grandmother's family, including the people who are hosting us, have a long history of service to Sayedna.  

Update on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 at 10:34PM by Registered CommenterRameez

An update on my living situation-- thanks to the Doriwala family, I have begun to move into a new flat where I can live on my own, and keep my own schedule and get work done much more easily.

The flat is next to the Masjid Bunder rail station- a really convenient location.  Its located in a busy market, and is a really lovely place.  It belongs to Bakir Uncle and Tasneem Aunty (my sister's future parents-in-law) and actually, the entire buiding is owned by the Doriwalas.  I've met several family members, and everyone is super nice.  Yusuf bhai, Bakir uncle's nephew, got me set up.  Here are some pictures.

I just spent my first night here at this place.  Its really nice to be a bit more independent.  I will be back with Dadi tonight and for the weekend.

Just at the corner, I went to buy some eggs and bread.  I got six eggs, given to me wrapped in a newspaper, 6 rolls, and 2 samosas for about 35 rupees... just under a dollar!  Though it turns out the bread wasn't that good... I guess I should go to a real bakery instead of a cart.  Yesterday I bought a "Deisel" bag and "Citizen" watch for a total of about 7 dollars.  But there are other things... like phone or internet service.... that are about the same price as in the US. 

The stall where I got the watch:



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