I am looking forward to getting back into fieldwork after the past week of extreme relaxation. But it was nice to get to take a break. Bombay is definitely a city that takes a lot out of you, and although I've only been here about 2 months, I already needed a rest!
Before I left for Kerala, I got a taste of what it feels like to navigate this city during the monsoon. Its a bit more difficult. Which is one reason I am quite happy with my change of schedule.
Because of the new Fulbright IIE research grant (which I found out last week that I received), I am cutting my current trip to India short-- I will be back in the US by mid-July. Before I return, I want to get a feel for Calcutta, so I will be there for 2-3 weeks, starting June 24. Once I return to the US, I'll write up my current research, apply for a research visa (which is quite a long process) and plan to return on the Fulbright for about six more months. Not sure exactly when, but sometime early next year, I hope. During the dry season :)
On one hand, its a great opportunity to refine/ expand my research, and especially to get a chance to step back and analyze things and figure out exactly what gaps I need to fill through my interviews and fact-finding. On the other hand... I will take _even longer_ to finish my dissertation. <sigh>
Thank you all very much for the congratulations, nice words and the birthday wishes! I appreciate it :)